Welcome to ViBuNe
Welcome to The Virtual Business Network!
A place to discuss business and seek partners who can help you build better enterprises.
In a world where you are expected to be constantly connected, always online, it has become difficult to filter out the noise and consume quality content for the topic of interest. For business entrepreneurs, in particular, the chatter happening on social media is more troublesome because it distracts from what's important for running a healthy, thriving business: focus on working ON the business, rather than IN the business.
When running a business, we need to be able to easily find the information and services we need to push things forward. Be it that we require a new website, help with managing our HR policies, or improving the way our teams work, we always need a source of reliable knowledge or a place to discuss with others and find someone to help.
ViBuNe.net is a virtual space designed to achieve the above, by creating a business-only environment, with rules, categorisation and tools that are specific for the people involved. With a focus on improving your business skills, implementing technology solutions to automate your processes, and finding the best digital solutions in ways you didn't know or understand before.
Entrepreneurs can start discussions on specific topics and invite the community to participate. Consultants and service providers can create groups and learning spaces to educate their potential customers (the entrepreneurs) or simply sell their skills in the marketplace.
Ultimately, ViBuNe is an information exchange forum for business people and companies to learn how to use technology to generate growth.
Start your journey together with like-minded people, and achieve more than you can imagine.