
- · ViBuNe
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- · Business General
Welcome to The Virtual Business Network!A place to discuss business and seek partners who can help you build better enterprises.In a world where you are expected to be constantly connected, always online, it has become difficult to filter out the noise and consume quality content for the topic of interest. For business entrepreneurs, in particular, the chatter happening on social media is more troublesome because it distracts from what's important for running a healthy, thriving business: focus on working ON the business, rather than IN the business.When running a business, we need to be able to easily find the information and services we need to push things forward. Be it that we require a

- · Zoe Dunbar
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- · Content Writing
In many industries, freelance professionals have long been undervalued, seen as cheap labour by some, and dispensable workers by others. Well, I’m here to encourage you to look at freelancers as something different, as the best investment in time and labour that your business can make.
Got your attention?
Let’s have a look at why choosing freelancers will bump your ROI.
Expansive Skill Sets Across Multiple Channels
This is not necessarily the case with newbies, they will get there but they need the experience to expand their knowledge base. But with a great percentage of freelance professionals, you have access to a wide range of skills acquired before they took the leap to freelancing as w

- · Cris Iconomu
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- · Information Technology
In a recent article on bleepingcomputer.com, the news of a new zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft's Windows operating system took an interesting twist I was not aware of.
Some context on zero-day vulnerabilities
A zero-day vulnerability has only been made known to the vendor (in our case Microsoft), meaning they have "zero-days" to fix it. This kind of exploit is considered dangerous as it allows hackers to exploit the flaw in real-life attacks, sometimes for years before both the vendor and the public are aware and can take counter-measures.
When security researchers (basically, white-hat hackers) find such vulnerabilities, they have avenues to report them to the vendors. In most cases, bi

- · ViBuNe
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- · Business General
Welcome to The Virtual Business Network!A place to discuss business and seek partners who can help you build better enterprises.In a world where you are expected to be constantly connected, always online, it has become difficult to filter out the noise and consume quality content for the topic of interest. For business entrepreneurs, in particular, the chatter happening on social media is more troublesome because it distracts from what's important for running a healthy, thriving business: focus on working ON the business, rather than IN the business.When running a business, we need to be able to easily find the information and services we need to push things forward. Be it that we require a

- · Cris Iconomu
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- · ViBuNe News
Ok, so this seems, for me, a bit weird and at the same time frustrating. On the one hand, business people struggle to gather enough knowledge and experience to run their enterprises in a way that delivers profitability and growth. On the other, except for the various forms of business chambers that - honestly speaking - are an antiquated form of helping businesses do better, there is little genuine help out there in the form of a community where you can participate. So, we are left to try and find our business communities on various social platforms that can accommodate our efforts to communicate with others having the same business interests.
I've seen attempts in the past that failed to be